Lahaina Galleries

Administration Costs | Benefits | Compliance | HR Administration | Payroll | Training & Development
For over 40 years, Lahaina Galleries has introduced the work of fine artists to locals and tourists from around the world. In their galleries on Maui and Hawaii, in California and online, Lahaina Galleries creates an Ohana of artists, customers, kids and staff.

“I would hire ProService over again in a heartbeat. By working with ProService, I am saving money. And everything with our HR is done expertly.”
– Ann Bourdages, General Manager, Lahaina Galleries

The Challenge
A leadership vacuum opened up two years ago when the CFO left. Ann used it as an opportunity to uplevel the business, including how she managed her HR. At the time, Lahaina Galleries employed a full-time HR Manager for a staff of about 30 employees. Ann’s strategy was to focus her energies on great art, operations and community, and bring in an HR partner with the expertise she needed to help take care of her people.

In late 2019, Lahaina Galleries chose ProService Hawaii as their full-service HR and business partner. Like many ProService clients, Ann decided to leverage ProService for all of her people-related needs.

Insurance Savings
ProService is typically able to offer businesses savings of 5-15% on their healthcare and 10-15% on their workers’ compensation insurances due to how we reward well-run businesses with the prices they deserve. By joining our proprietary healthcare plan, Lahaina Galleries saves thousands of dollars a year in their healthcare costs.
“ProService offers us rates that are significantly cheaper than going with other providers.”
Administrative Time and Cost Savings
Like many ProService clients, Ann decided to leverage ProService for all of her people-related needs. “By going with ProService, I am saving tens of thousands of dollars on administrative costs.”
Accurate and Efficient Payroll
ProService quickly stepped in to organize Ann’s records and process payroll accurately and on-time every pay period with seamless transparency.
“Our payroll is done accurately and on-time every pay period.”
A Trusted Business Partner
“With ProService we have access to so many specialized resources. COVID hurt us all. ProService was always out in front, coaching me how to get my PPP loan, even providing critical data for my application. Then, helping me navigate furloughs, closings and openings. I always felt prepared.”
Expert, Empathetic Employee Relations
ProService HR attorneys help navigate difficult and sensitive employee issues such as performance problems, accountability and disciplinary action, creating the right Performance Improvement Plan, or respectfully and legally letting somebody go. ProService examines the situation, gives the client options, and helps execute their decision.
“ProService joined me in a tough employee meeting as an objective third party experienced in these tough issues. It’s wonderful to have guidance on the right way to do things. We now have the support to effectively coach and manage our people. It gives my management team and me confidence.”
Increase Team Skill Level
ProService clients use our extensive training programs to grow management and business expertise.
“Many of my employees have never received formal training. I want to teach them practical skills like time management and customer service. I love that ProService provides corporate quality training free to small businesses.”