The New Normal: How to Make a Comeback

The New Normal: How to Make a Comeback

The aftermath of this pandemic will require a crystal clear roadmap to a strong economic recovery. Businesses across all industries are struggling to grasp onto definitive answers for reopening survival. Hawaii Business magazine and ProService Hawaii joined together to host an insightful panel of Hawaii CEOs and asked the all important question: What does your…

Reopen, But Will They Come?

Reopen, But Will They Come?

 Retail Leaders See Opportunities in Reopening The reality of “reopening” Hawaii is fast approaching. Although many businesses are mentally ready, there are lingering questions about what is the best reopening strategy and what challenges and opportunities will surface in doing so. In episode 3 of our Executive Series CEO Roundtable we invited respected leaders…

Answering Community Needs with Adaptable Leadership

Answering Community Needs with Adaptable Leadership

The sudden onset of community needs have forced local businesses to become more agile within their organizations while staying true to their missions. In episode 2 of our Executive Series CEO Roundtable we asked these trusted leaders how they are managing and motivating their workforce while evolving their service delivery models amidst times of intense…

What is Co-Employment: A Quick Guide for Employers

What is Co-Employment: A Quick Guide for Employers

When you hear the term “co-employment,” what comes to mind? A lot of employers think it means working with a staffing agency, leasing employees, or giving up control over their employees to an outside company. These common misconceptions couldn’t be further from the actual co-employment definition. But what is co-employment exactly? In this article, we’ll…