“Do not permit what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden
In my last Sunday email, I shared my frustration with Hawaii’s lackluster response to Covid, resulting in accelerating closures of long-time Hawaii businesses, evaporated tourism, loss of jobs, migration out of state, increasing homelessness and families whose economic prospects might never recover. These will be deep permanent problems, and it didn’t have to be this bad. Poor leadership and a toxic culture in government are costs we, as a community, have to bear.
And now federal funds that covered up for these problems are running low, and much of our spending is leaving the state (to Amazon and big box retailers) so the cash drain will make things harder. Add these up and, despite falling case counts, I am more concerned today than ever.
But as John Wooden says, we have to act to make the best of this, doing what we can, and ignoring what we can’t control. We have a responsibility to support and care for our people and our community more than ever. By doing what we can. That is how we make it through.
Action speaks louder than words: Announcing the ProService Pandemic Rebate
In my prior posts I hope you have seen that ProService takes nothing for granted when it comes to serving you and your business. But to say we are deeply grateful for your partnership is hollow absent our relentless pursuit of helping you manage the costs of employment and care for your people. These are the lifeblood of your business.
Every year we are committed to offering more value for your money, and this year’s Covid Crisis brings the most severe test and the greatest urgency to our efforts. So far, we have pivoted by being the source for employer education on Covid, and by innovating our service to the many new challenges for employers – PPP loans, unprecedented unemployment and safety concerns, swings in staffing and spending that must be forecast and managed, and the ever growing compliance and employee support needs.
In addition, we have recently unearthed an unexpected benefit: lower utilization of our proprietary insurance programs and lower claims costs as a result of the Crisis. This is an unexpected positive, and one where we are compelled to take action to pass through these emerging savings for your benefit.
As a result of this, today we are announcing the ProService Pandemic Rebate. This Rebate will be credited to your invoice monthly, starting in October, and will last for six months. The rebate will initiate automatically. You will receive all of the details from us in the coming week.
At ProService, we strive to offer consistent and predictably good rates for our bundle of services and insurances, and we are pleased that we can offer this rebate to pass on some unexpected savings to you. We know everything matters and every little bit helps. Small employers are the backbone and the heartbeat of our communities. We appreciate you, and your fortitude, tenacity, and bravery during these hard times. We are proud to be your local partner. I hope this makes your Sunday a little brighter.
Other Resources to Help You This Week
Our recent Executive Series webinar, Caring for People in the Covid Storm, gathered Tricia Madeiros, Donna Schmidt, Dr. Emmanuel Kintu and Michelle Kim Stone – four impressive, frontline leaders who provide valuable, pragmatic guidance to help your people and organizations navigate the pandemic. Again, on Wednesday, September 23 at 10 a.m., we will have two great customer-focused HR executives, Beth Whitehead and Jackie Ingamells, to discuss The Here & Now on Employee Wellbeing. These are both great resources for you!
For those looking for immediate and practical guidance on how to plot and drive important changes now, I recommend reading How to Pivot Your Business and Survive. Right Now. And lastly, with unemployment a continuing issue, we updated important and useful guides for managers and employees.
Progress, not perfection. What else can we do for you?
While we are proud of our progress, our journey is guided by an obsession to make things better for clients, no matter what new challenge arises this year or next. We also have a core value of “We Learn”. Putting these together, I really want to hear from you on what we can do for you, what would be helpful, or where we are coming up short. I really want to know. How can we better serve you today and moving into next year?
I cannot promise that we can do everything you ask, but we will listen and work hard to understand your challenges, and we will do everything we can to better serve you and our partnership for the long-term.
With Aloha,
Ben Godsey
President & CEO